South Downs Way

by David Nii

@ 23.05km…..

David turns to @ Nick @ Eugene as we crest the hill next to a car park ….

David; we have 3.6km to go

Nick ; Charley hold on….that is KB’s car ….eeiii and that is my car 

Eugene (smiling like a Cheshire Cat ); so does this mean we are at the end point ? 

David ; Nick, are you sure this is your car ? Check the number plate again…

Nick; this is definitely my car. 

David; but then where is @ Perlus @ Kofi ? 

Nick ; Let me call Perlus …after a few minutes….this is indeed the end point. Perlus just confirmed it’s 23km.

Eugene (all smiles); Charley, I was psyching myself up for the hill ahead. Wow this is good news …

David (also smiling); this is indeed good news. Christmas has come early…

Nick; Charley this one die3333 @ Chairman should be congratulated. This time he has given us a bonus ….

@ Nick @ David @ Eugene….collectively agree that @ The Chairman has done well this time 🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️

At this point, @ David opens his bag and brings out a small bag of nkati cake……@ Eugene abandons his oranges 🍊….and we all tuck into the nkati cake….happy days 🤣

David Nii November 22, 2023
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